How to Pin Your Pants for Hemming
Try on the pants that you would like to hem with the shoes you would like to wear with them.
If you have a friend or family member with you stand up straight and look forward.
Do not be tempted to look down at this stage as this will affect the level of the required hemline.
Have them fold up the excess fabric to the required length and secure with a pin to hold it in place.
The folded edge is where your new hem will be. For ladies if you want to wear heels with your pants, you might desire a longer hem. The type of shoes you wear is important.
If you don’t have a friend to help you during this process, pin the pants yourself to where you would like the new length to be.
Try them on and adjust the position if needed until you’re happy with the desired result.
Once you’re all done, mail the garment back to Hems Online using the prepaid return postage bag provided.
A free welcome kit with pins, measuring tape and prepaid return bag can be requested here.